Kaleidoscope unlocks 1900+ hours of website traffic with embedded hybrid events

Organizing a successful hybrid event is no simple task. That's why we invited Kaleidoscope Learning to share how they are able to kick-off a 3-day hybrid event successfully using Sequel.io.


11-50 employees

New York, NY


hours spent on the website


of attendees watched live & on-demand


of registrants attended live

Game Changers

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Kaleidoscope Learning is a company that specializes in online education for professionals. Led by David Guralnick, its President & CEO, the company aims to use innovative technology to create enjoyable, effective, meaningful learning experiences and improve job performance.

To bridge the large gap between academic research and practical applications in the field of e-learning, they launched The Learning Ideas Conference, an annual event. In response to the pandemic and evolving needs, The Learning Ideas Conference adopted a hybrid approach, offering both in-person and online participation. This allowed attendees from around the world to join virtually, fostering global collaboration and networking.

The experience using Sequel as a Speaker

The challenge of aligning in-person & virtual experiences

Organizing a successful hybrid event is no simple task. So it was essential to find the right event solution that would help align the virtual experience with the in-person experience. 

Over the years, The Learning Ideas Conference experimented with different virtual event solutions. However, these platforms wouldn’t be able to scale with the growing conference due to:

  • Poor user & attendee experience including things like video lag
  • Lack of security and personalization options
  • Clunky on-demand replays
  • Inefficient functionality & processes
Using Sequel to have more control over the event experience

It was also important that when a speaker was presenting, whether it was in person or online, all the content would be shared in a cohesive & seamless manner. This was particularly important for video content.

Finding a scalable hybrid event solution

When David and his team discovered Sequel, they quickly decided to switch due to its advanced features and the ability to create a fully customizable hybrid event experience by hosting the event on their website. Knowing the importance of e-learning environments, this was a must. 

Sequel helped them eliminate the challenges they faced when trying to tailor the event attendee experience with their previous solutions by:

  • Embedding the conference on their own website
  • Creating a secure virtual space only accessible by password
  • Activating on-demand replays right after each session on their site
  • Allowing various speaker content formats to be shared without lag time

From a behind-the-scenes perspective, they were able to streamline their processes from hosting & managing online engagement to creating video clips & generating session replays with a click of a button. 

Sequel is great for both webinars and hybrid events

Driving the 1900+ hours attendees have spent on the website

The 3-day annual Learning Ideas Conference, specifically for 2023, saw spectacular results. The team reported 724+ hours of engagement within the virtual event hosted by Sequel, amounting to 1900+ hours spent on their website for the past 2 conferences. 42% of attendees even came back to watch the replays after already attending the live session. These results can be attributed to the seamless & customized experience on their website that Kaleidoscope was able to create with Sequel.

Not to mention the large number of return guests from previous years with ~72% of virtual registrants attending the conference live. 

Kaleidoscope Learning Ideas Conference achieved success with Sequel by providing a seamless and inclusive experience for both in-person and virtual attendees that keeps people coming back every year. Sequel’s flexibility, usability, and ability to tailor the user experience make it an ideal choice for creating engaging and interactive hybrid conferences.

If you’re thinking about leveling up your hybrid event experience go ahead and try Sequel.io for free or jump on a call with us to see if Sequel is a good fit for you.

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